Tony Foster, The First Signs of Autumn - Looking NNE Downriver, 2009  |  Watercolor and graphite on paper, mixed media |  12 x 16 in. / 2 1/4 x 13 1/4 in. / 1 1/2 x 6 1/2 in.  |  2009.1.9

Tony Foster Journey 14 | 2008–09 | 10 artworks

Secret Sites

Painting locations: Idaho

For Secret Sites, Tony Foster asked several influential people in his life to nominate their favorite locations based on their knowledge of the wilderness in Idaho. Making sure to keep the identity of these sites secret, he ventured out to paint them from an angle that captured their beauty, and in doing so paying homage to his friends. The watercolor paintings are paired with typical trip souvenirs as well as folded brown paper notes sealed with red wax containing each site’s location information.

Painting locations

  • United States

    • Idaho

Past Exhibitions


  • Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho


Other Past Journeys

Click on any Journey thumbnail for more information.